Patterns go through editing and sampling but we still sometimes have errors. We try very hard to make sure information is correct but sometimes things still slip through the cracks. We apologize for any inconvenience and try to post as soon as possible when aware of any errors. Please also check the errata page at
Errors in patterns are corrected as soon as we realize and the downloads are updated for the digital download PDFs. Often times patterns have gone to another printing and have corrected information in them already.
The first printing of Pine Crossing lists DMC color 966 as a needed floss but it is NOT in the chart. I inadvertently left it in the floss list after making some revisions. So sorry if you have hunted for it in the chart and now have an extra floss with nowhere to go. Guess I need to design something to use up all the extra 966 I have as well. My apologies.
The cover image printed lighter on the pumpkin so it looks more gold but DMC 741 IS the color I used. The green triangle above the star on the upper left is charted as 733 but is actually stitched on the model in 988. Use whichever you like! And the light gray of the bird's wing should actually be 646 instead of 647. Sorry about those!
On page 6, for Stem of Big Aspen Leaf, it says to cut“(2) 2 x 1 of Fabric B” in the blue box. The diagram shows 3 x 1" pieces and the DIAGRAM is correct. You should be using (2) 3" x 1" pieces.
Not an error, but a notation: In Little Posy Wreath, all directions are shown with the RED background colorway, regardless of size. If you are making the cream background version in the larger size, you will want red fabrics for your flowers at the top of page 3 (page 4 on pdf) and probably want lighter Body Corners that go with the cream background (the two 10 x 10" squares, also shown on page 3). Please refer to the last page of the pattern for color references.
Page 9 has typos for borders on LAP size. Please use this instead:
On the original version of EMILIA (the pattern with PURPLE quilt on cover) it says 4" triangles on page 4. That should say 4" squares.
On page 3 of BACKSLASH for the cutting directions on the QUEEN size, middle paragraph, it should say " From the other (20) 1 1/2: WOF strips," not (12).
Page 5- Top of page MAKE LARGE FLOWERS... the information in the written directions is correct, however the diagram image shows large flower background strip as 4.5 x 2.5" when it is really 4.5 x 1.5". This is the wrong size on diagram...SHOULD read 4.5 x 1.5". This is being corrected in the second printing. Thanks Debbie Thomas for catching this!
On page 3, the third line down, the number for 7 1/4" squares for the LARGE QUILT should be (12), not (48).
cutting for Fabric F and Background have been reversed for the small flying geese units.
The (8) 1 5/8” x 1 5/8“ squares of Background should be cut from Fabric F.
The (2) 2 3/4” x 2 3/4“ squares of Fabric F should be cut from Background Fabric.
When cutting the 10 x 1 1/4” strips from both Background Fabric and Fabric E, make the length 10 1/2” (so 10 1/2 x 1 1/4”)
When cutting the 25 x 1 1/4” strips from Fabric E, make the length 25 1/2” (so 25 1/2 x 1 1/4”)
When cutting the 25 x 1 3/4” strips from Background Fabric, make the length 25 1/2” (so 25 1/2 x 1 3/4”)
SHOWERING STARS original printing (corrected in reprints)

CARDINAL'S CHRISTMAS WREATH original printing (corrected in reprints)
On page 4 the squares are 2 RED and 2 background fabrics.

On page 5 please adjust the measurements to cut your rows of sashing to include the fractions listed below:
For TWIN cut (15) 68½” strips, ALT. TWIN cut (12) 65¼” strips
and for LAP cut (9) 53¾” strips.

Clarification if you are making the SMALL size quilt. On page 8 it indicates making the borders according to the larger size. For the small size you will assemble the rectangles and HST units to make the right side border using 2.5" x 4.5" rectangles and 2.5" squares and the HSTs. The border should measure 24.5". This border is sewn onto the quilt body first.
Then assemble remaining 2.5" squares, rectangles and HST in order shown to make the top border. The border should measure 26.5".
Attached is an image which shows the clarification: